Why are you a libertarian? There is no functional society without control of degenerates. Also Jewish money lending is a curse.

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Like most things, because I think it is true.

As most things, we are probably thinking of different things when I say libertarian. Have been thinking of writing an article about it for a while, most people when they think of libertarianism think of their younger selfs or libertarians as a tribe, which I agree, can be smelly.

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How deep in the rabbit hole are you? Do you think like Rothbard there should be a market in children? Do you think the roads should be privatized? Do you think usury interest from a market in money is a good thing? Do you buy into the crypto scam, which is the ultimate fiat currency?

You don't seem entirely stupid, so I hope you are young? Libertarianism is something you outgrow, Pete Quinones is instructive in this regard.

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I think those kind of questions are nice mental exercises. But again, case by case consideration is not really the way to understand what is first a theory of how society in fact operates, both when it success and fails, and a theory of justice that goes beyond contractual political philosophy, the current since Thomas Hobbes, even among his detractors.

I think Rothbard, not being omniscient, definitely committed mistakes, that is why one needs a School to often not only correct the inventor but also be “more Rothbardian than Rothbard” where it is needed.

Again, I might at some point write “What even is libertarianism” for people to know “how deep the rabbit hole I am”. But yeah, I am Rothbardian and consider Hans Hermann Hoppe our Commisar in anarchy.

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Hoppe at least realized that you can actually have more freedom in a monarchy than than in an intrusive democracy. There is literally nothing good I have to say about Rothbard who is a Jew wrecker of all that is good and true. If you don’t realize there are values that transcend making money you are in for a world of hurt, get off the Jewbatarian train before it’s too late.

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See you around!

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What are you going to block me?

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It’s an incredibly stupid theory that allows Jews to strip your most productive citizens of their assets though usury and rent seeking and to bribe the government, leading in a few generations to total ruin, and then backlash against said Jews for what they did.

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Hmm, I am definetly a rebellious Goyim, so I understand your concern.

Again, will probably have to write it.

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